We all know that our bodies are made up of about 70% water, but most of us don't drink enough water on a daily basis. Why is it so important?

In doing research several years back, I learned that staying properly hydrated is one of the best measures for stroke prevention. It is especially helpful to drink a glass of water immediately after waking up in the morning. This ensures that the first thing that all the cells in our body are soaking up is fresh H2O. I know, I know, we all want to dunk our head in a pot of coffee when we first wake up, but trust me, that immediate glass of water becomes lifechanging.
I have suffered with migraine headaches since I was young. Once I started drinking more water, The headaches all but disappeared. Water also helps to flush toxins from our system, improves digestion, promotes weight loss, regulates blood pressure and relieves fatigue.
Often times, people that are not properly hydrated will feel "hungry". They will then have a snack or some junk food to satisfy their hunger. However, the body is probably craving water. This feeling is often mistaken for hunger. Staying properly hydrated can prevent overeating due to increasing satiety.
Below is an affiliate link for a water bottle I would recommend. They are in different sizes and colors, but it's super beneficial to have a bottle with you throughout the day to stay hydrated!
Let me know how you plan on increasing your water intake!
Build good habits!
- Chris