Weightlifting has come to be known as the best way to not only build and retain lean muscle, but also to burn fat!
But why does it work so well? Let's dive into it!

When we do any type of physical activity, the muscles involved send a muscle building/muscle retention signal to our brain telling it how important those muscles are, and what needs to be done with them.
The reason weight training is so effective is because when we lift weights, it sends a very strong, very specific signal to the brain telling it "This muscle is being used a lot! We need to fuel it!"
Let's go over this whole process.
The Easier the Better
Like any other type of survival function, our body has adapted to trying to stay alive, while expending as little effort as possible. This is a natural law. Our body wants everything to be as easy as possible. So when we lift weights, our body says "Whoa, that is difficult. We need to feed those muscles so that activity becomes easy again." If our muscles get stronger, lifting the weight won't be as difficult, and we will, eventually be able to lift that weight with less effort.
This is called adaptation, and we can use it to our advantage.
Our bodies then decide to feed those muscles which sent the strongest signal that they are being stressed. This process builds more lean muscle.
Then what happens?
Our body has to get that fuel from somewhere, right? Yes, and since we have now sent a very strong signal to our body that we need to retain the muscle tissue, our body will turn to stored energy for fuel - FAT! This is why weight training is the only method of training that, if done properly, will burn fat and retain lean muscle, giving us a healthier, much more tone and aesthetic figure.
"Every day we have the opportunity and the ability to build our body, build our mind, and build our spirit. What a shame it would be for someone to make it through their whole life without realizing the true potential of the gifts they have been given." – Chris Bates
In Comparison
A single cardio workout may burn more calories than a single weightlifting workout. However, in weightlifting, the building of lean muscle, and the strong signal sent to retain the lean muscle, and use fat as fuel, raises your body's metabolism, and turns your body into a fat burning environment 24/7. This does not happen with other types of workouts.
This is a long term solution, and a lifestyle plan to achieve your individual goals, and keep them!
Lifting weights sends the strongest signal to hold on to the good stuff and use the bad stuff as fuel. Plain and simple. It works. It does take consistency and commitment, but so does doing anything that's worth doing. Take control of your life today!
Leave a comment, or send me an email at grow@project-bates.com and let me know your thoughts! Let's do this together!!!
- Chris