- Eating too few calories tells your body to slow down and burn less calories, because the caloric deficit is too large. A slight caloric deficit is prime for weight loss, but if the deficit is too extreme, your body will do anything it can to hold on to as much as possible.

- By simply adding more lean protein to your diet (and potentially other macronutrients, depending on your diet), your body will realize that it has plenty of calories and can burn them at a normal rate, and the proteins will prevent your body from using muscle as fuel. If this is combined with resistance training, the compounded effect results in your body burning more fat to fuel your workouts and specifically working to preserve your lean muscle tissue. This results in a body that is more tone, has a lower body fat percentage, and has a much healthier aesthetic and much more functional ability.
- Balance is the key to nutrition. People who start an extreme diet (super low fats, super low carbs, etc.) tend to get less results that people who systematically work with a nutritionist to find the proper balanced diet for their individual body. The results of a properly balanced diet also last much longer, and easily become part of a sustainable, lifestyle process.
- Our bodies need proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is most beneficial for our overall health to consume those in good, balanced amounts. It is just as important to give our bodies the proper signals on how to use each of those macronutrients as efficiently as possible.
- Chris