The greatest project you will ever work on is yourself. Only then can you go forth and help others.
My name is Chris Bates and I am an ISSA certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Fitness Coach. I do the vast majority of my training online. I love working out, and learning about fitness principals that work. I am a physique competitor with Physical Culture Association USA (PCA USA). I have designed several full programs such as Project Bates Lifestyle Design and the Three Strand Master Plan.

I focus on training professionals who are short on time, and need to maximize their workouts and nutrition to get the best bang for their buck! I love the idea of helping people change their daily habits, little by little, and helping them steadily take control of their lives. The feeling I get from seeing the change in my clients, and the satisfaction they get from accomplishing their goals is surreal. I am truly blessed to be a part of that process.
Anything I have learned is FREE for anyone
This blog is intended to post any and all information that I have accumulated about working out, diet, cardio, psychology of fitness, and any other related topics. All that information should be free and accessible to anyone. Just let me know when you're ready to make some changes, and I'll get you signed up!
Share your feedback
Please check in here frequently to see new posts, and leave any feedback you have. I am super excited to start this journey with you all!
Leave a comment below, or for more information on Personal Training and/or Nutrition, email me at and let's grow together!
- Chris